
Friday, April 22, 2016

Creative Prompt Technique for His Kingdom Come

I am doing this week's creative prompt for His Kingdom Come.
I am doing a technique I learned in a sketching class I took last year.
This technique is painting with a Stabilo All Pencil, White Gesso & Water.
My prompt is:
I Am In Christ
I am making my project based on John 15:1,5
I am a branch of the true Vine, Jesus, a channel of His Life.

John 15:1 "I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener."
John 15:5 "I am the Vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing." 

Jesus is the source of my life.  Without Him I can do nothing.  I am a branch of Him.  If I don't stay in Him, my life is lived in the flesh...and that is disaster!    He is the source of living out my daily life.  I need to stay connected to Him to live out my life and operate for Him, through Him.  He gives me everything I need to live according to His Will and purpose.  To be able to share with others about Him.  To testify of His life and His love.  To walk my life in faith so others see Him through me.
I sit in the comforts of my home, with electricity and all the comforts that it provides that I take for granted.  But if I fail to pay our electric bill and it gets shut off,  it goes dark and cold...absolutely nothing will work.  
That's how it is being connected to Christ...without Him, absolutely nothing will work.

Let's begin on this weeks prompt :)
To begin with, draw your image in using a regular pencil.
Then draw over it with your Stabilo All Pencil.  I used a green stabilo all pencil.
Use a size paint brush that will work good for your image.  I used a pretty small tipped brush.
I put some Gesso in a small throw away cup so I would not get the green color in my bigger jar of Gesso.)
After you have done this...use a paint brush to dip in water and then your gesso and paint it all in.
I then wrote out all of the words and a couple of squiggles & a little heart and did the same technique on them.
After this was completely dry - I sprayed Workable Fixatif over it to set it.
I then used yellow watercolor paint to paint the background in.
After it was completely dry, I then went around all of the edges with Gelatos...I used colors Gold and Yellow.

Here is my finished project

Supplies Used:
Watercolor Cardstock
Stabilo All Pencil (I used green)
White Gesso
Paint Brush
Workable Fixatif
Watercolor Paint (for the background)
Gelatos (for the edges - I used Gold & Yellow)

I hope you have enjoyed this technique.
It is a technique that I really enjoy using.  I like the way it looks.

Come and join the faithart journey at His Kingdom Come! FREE weekly devotions, faithart inspirations, technique videos, faithart classes- combining techniques and bible study! Lots of faithart products– stencils, stamps, thermofax screens, canvas, and coloring books!  If you were part of Take me deeper in 2015, please sign up for the 2016 Take me Deeper, so that you have access to the devotions, techniques and discussions! Free planner/journal pages are found Here. Take Me Deeper will be continuing in 2016 with the “I am statements” of Jesus and our Spiritual DNA. Looking for your “word” for 2016?  His Kingdom Come has prepared an EBook for free containing the idea of living one word, worksheets and all the prompts for 2016! Get it for free here: Logos365  www.his-kingdom-come.com

Click on the banner to go to our website:
TMD-DNA  Facebook Group

I hope you have enjoyed this technique!
Thanks for stopping :-)


  1. Great devotional and art technique. I love your analogy of the electricity. May I use it in my children's ministry teaching? It is so clear and impactful, I know they will really get it.

    1. Thank you Teresa. Yes, of course you can use it in your children's ministry teaching.

  2. Oh, what fun! Thank you so much for the wonderful devotional with great "word picture" of that scripture. Also love your faithart for this technique. I still need a couple things I don't have to do mine but look forward to "playing" and learning this new technique, Debbie! Thank you again.

  3. What a wonderful truth you have shared with us, Debbie. Thank you for the new technique. I'm going to be trying that out very soon. I'm pretty sure I have a Stabillo pencil (not sure of the color though) so I'm eager to give it a try. I love how yours turned out!

  4. thanks so much and I'm off to give this a (digital) try now :) xx

  5. I am going to work on this now Debbie! Thanks so much!!!
